Telecommunication in the Czech Republic
The biggest provider is Czech telecom - CTc.
International calls from the Czech Republic: prefix for international
calling from Czech telephones is 00 followed by country code.
Ona unit in local calls: 3 Kc
Telephone cards can be bought at larger post offices, airports,
railway stations, metro stations, big department stores,kiosks and
hotels. There are several types of these cards, usually from 50
to 150 units (50 unit card costs 200 Kc, 100 unit card is 400Kc).
You can also buy special long-distance call cards from an Internet
Provider called Volny. These cards are available at all post offices.
AT&T Operator: 00-420-00101
MCI Operator: 00-420-0011
Sprint Operator: 00-420-87187
Bell Canada Operator: 00-420-00151
Note on Cellular Telephones:
Your cell phone is most likely 800MHz. In the Czech Republic the
standard was 450MHz, therefore there was no chance that it would
work over here. But more recently they have changed to GSM and operate
between 800 and 1600MHZ.
The main providers in the Czech Rep. are Eurotel, Paegas and Cesky
Mobil. The connection fees are very expensive. You have to purchase
the phone, a phone number and the connection.
If you want to use a foreign mobile phone in the Czech Republic
you have to first remove the international restriction on the phone
in the country of origin.